1.1 Curriculum Planning and Implementation
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1.2 Academic Flexibility
List of students and the attendance sheet for the above mentioned programs
Institutional programme brochure/notice for certificate/Value added course modules and outcomes
Evidence of course completion, like course completion certificate etc. Apart from the above :
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Number of students year wise during last five years
1.3 Curriculum Enrichment
1.3.1 Upload Supporting Documents
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1.4 Feedback System
2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
Final admission list as published by the HEI and Endorsed by the competent authority
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
2.2 Student Teacher Ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)
2.2.1 Student- Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)
2.3 Teaching- Learning Process
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality
2.4.1 Percentage of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years
Sanction letters indicating number of posts sanctioned by the competent authority(including Management sanctioned posts)
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
2.4.2b Copies of Ph.D/D.Sc/D.Litt./L.L.D awarded by UGC recognized universities.
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
2.6.3 Pass percentage of Students during last five years (excluding backlog students)
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
2.7 Student Satisfication Survey
2.7.1 Online student satisfication survey regarding teaching learning process
3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
3.2 Innovation Ecosystem
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
3.3 Research Publications and Awards
Provide links for any other relevant document to support the claim
3.3.1c Re-directing to journal source -cite website in case of digital journals.
3.3.1 The papers published in journals listed in UGC CARE list
3.3.2a Upload Additional information
List of chapter/book along with the links redirecting to the source website
3.4 Extension Activities
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
Photographs and any other supporting of relevance should have proper captions and dates.
3.5.1 Collaboration
Provide any other relevant document to support the claim
3.5.2 List of yearwise activities and exchange should be provided.
4.1 Physical Facilities
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4.2 Library as a learning Resource
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4.3 IT Infrastructure
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4.3.2 Student-Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)
4.3.2a Purchased Bills/Copies highlighting the number of computers purchased
Provide link for any other relevant document to support the claim
4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
Provide Links for relevant document to support the claim(if any)
5.1 Student Support
Year-wise list of beneficiary students in each scheme duly signed by the competent authority.
Upload Policy Document of the HEI for the award of schloarship and freeships.
Provide link for additional information(if any)
5.1.2 Following capacity development and skills enhancement activities are organised for improving students capability
Language and communication skills
Life skills (Yoga,Physical fitness,healthand hygiene)
5.1.2a Report with photographs on ICT/Computing skills enhancement programs.
5.1.2b Provide link for additional information(if any)
Upload any additional information
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1. Implementation of guidelines of statutory/regulatory bodies
2.Organization wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance
3.Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students' grievances
4.Timely redressal of the grievances through appropriate committees
Provide link for additional information(if any)
5.1.4a Proof w.r.t Organization wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance
5.1.4b Proof related to Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students' grievances
5.1.4d Details of saatutory/regulatory Committees (to be notified in institutional website also
5.2 Student Progression
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5.3 Student Participation and Activities
Provide link for additional information(if any)
Provide link for additional information(if any) List and links to e-copies of award letters and certificates
5.4 Alumni Engagement
6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership
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6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment
Provide link for Additional information
Institutional perspective Plan and deployment documents on the website
6.2.2 Institution implements e-governance in its operations
3. Student Admission and Support
Screen shots of user interfaces of each module reflecting the name of the HEI
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6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies
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Paste link for additional information
Provide Links for relevant document to support the claim(if any)
Policy document on providing financial support to teachers
Provide Links for relevant document to support the claim(if any)
Copy of the certificates of the program attended by teachers
Annual reports highlighting the programmes undertaken by the teachers
6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization
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6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System
Upload any additional information
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Quality audit reports/certificate as applicable and valid for the assessment period.
Provide Links for relevant document to support the claim(if any)
7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
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7.1.2 The Institution has facilities and initiatives for
Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)
Policy document on the green campus/plastic free campus.
Geo-tagged photographs/videos of the facilities.
Circulars and report of activities for the implementation of the initiatives document.
Bills for the purchase of equipment’s for the facilities created under this metric.
Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)
Policy document on environment and energy usage Certificate from the auditing agency
Green audit/environmental audit report from recognized bodies
Certificates of the awards received from recognized agency (if any).
Provide link for Additional information
7.2 Best Practices
7.2.1 Best practices as hosted on the Institutional website
Link for any other relevant information
7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness
7.3.1 Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust